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Passion meets innovation, implementation and integration

CPRO conlog is a SAP consultancy from Germany that is highly specialised in intra- and extra-logistics. Depending on your requirements, we design future-proof end-to-end concepts for perfectly integrated, scalable solutions. We realise your projects responsibly with our tried and tested project methodology.


Wir haben die vertrauensvolle und produktive Zusammenarbeit mit der CPRO conlog sehr geschätzt und freuen uns auf spannende Folgeprojekte. Andreas Maaß, Head of logistics systems & processes, H. & J. Brüggen KG
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Brüggen SAP EWM
Durch die hervorragende Arbeit der CPRO conlog im Bereich Application Management Services (AMS) konnte das Vertrauen in unser SAP GTS-System wiederhergestellt werden. Thomas Niemann, Global Head of Business Processes and Applications, Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
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SAP GTS Getriebebaubau NORD
Mit der CPRO conlog hatten wir einen bewährten und zuverlässigen Implementierungspartner an unserer Seite. Besonders die dynamische und flexible Projektmethodik war von großem Vorteil. Auch in Zeiten von Corona konnte der Zeitplan eingehalten, das Gesamtbudget unterschritten und ein starkes Ergebnis erzielt werden. Marlis Hugentobler, Leiterin IT-Projekte und Prozessorganisation, Kindlimann AG
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Mit der Präferenzkalkulation können wir nun sämtliche vorhandene Stücklisten kalkulieren und profitieren von transparenten, sicheren Prozessen. Gerhard Frank, Leitung Zoll- und Transportmanagement, Richard Wolf GmbH
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Cpro conlog SAP GTS Richard Wolf

The solution Full power through the day with SAP EWM / MFS

For many people, they belong on the kitchen table in the morning: breakfast cereals in the form of cornflakes, muesli or puffed cereals. To ensure that the customer finds the desired product in the supermarket, the manufacturer must have error-free storage and production processes. In order to continue to meet this requirement in the future, H. & J. Brüggen KG decided to introduce a decentralised SAP EWM (on SAP S/4HANA 1909) with the integrated SAP material flow management system MFS.

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The solution Everything runs like clockwork: Application Management Services for SAP GTS

They are used in logistics and theatre technology, in the food sector, in the steel industry and in bulk goods handling - the drive solutions from Getriebebau NORD. As one of the largest manufacturers of drive technology in the world, secure customs and foreign trade processes are crucial. The North German company relies on Application Management Services (AMS) for SAP GTS with CPRO conlog as its partner.

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The solution Stable processes: Kindlimann relies on SAP EWM for warehouse management

Industry, construction, trade - customers all over the world rely on Kindlimann's steel products and solutions. As any downtime is extremely cost-intensive, customers must be able to rely on the reliable delivery of parts. The prerequisite for this is efficient and transparent stock management on the part of the supplier. This is why the steel service provider chose SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) with integrated SAP Material Flow Management (MFS).

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The solution Small intervention, big impact: introducing preference calculation in SAP GTS

Minimally invasive diagnostics and therapy in human medicine - Richard Wolf offers innovative solutions for endoscopy and extracorporeal shock wave treatment. In order to make its products and systems accessible to doctors, patients and technicians all over the world, the long-established company from Knittlingen relies on SAP Global Trade Services (GTS). What was missing until now, however, was preference calculation. CPRO conlog supported Richard Wolf with the introduction.

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Every customer an A-customer

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